Bullying is a genuine problem in our schools today and it is one that needs to be stopped if we want our students to be happy, successful, and engaged members of society.
30 percent of your students are either bullies or victims of bullying. And of those bullying incidents 85 percent will have an audience, thereby engaging students who likely do not want to be part of it in the first place.
The best way to stop this problem is to teach our youth how to not be bullies and how to value who they are. It is the confidence level of our youth that is going to determine whether or not they make the right choices. There’s no way around it, we must prepare our youth to stop bullying.
During this 45 minute motivational presentation, I utilize personal stories, appropriate (and HILARIOUS) comedy, amazing magic, and audience interaction to engage your students, inspire them, and teach them important life lessons.
“Matt Neely delivered an excellent, interactive assembly to our middle school. Matt engaged the students with his magic tricks and he delivered a very clear anti-bullying message to the school.”
West Liberty-Salem School
Studies show that 66% of students are not reading at their grade level. This is a scary statistic because reading is so fundamental to a child’s success and development not only in school but in life. Reading is a foundation component in vocabulary and speaking skills. It is also important for the development of creative thinking skills. A high reading level can help improve the overall quality of learning for student.
If a child does not develop reading skills at an early age the likelihood that the ever will greatly diminishes. I think about my dad who never developed those reading skills barley read at all as an adult and when he did read nothing longer than a magazine article.
The goal we have as educators is to unlock and encourage our students to read and to realize that it is not just something that they have to do but that reading is F.U.N, That’s where my assembly program comes in.
During this 45 minute motivational presentation, I utilize personal experiences, interactive storytelling, appropriate (and HILARIOUS) comedy, and amazing magic to engage your students, inspire them, and teach them that Reading is F.U.N.